Very Large Rectangular Open Bath Chamber for Slice Studies (Warner)
This chamber is designed for slice studies requiring the presence of gasses in fixed proportion. It is modeled after the RC-27L and supplied with the slice support and tissue hold down. Two ports at the top of the chamber are provided for the input of gasses. This chamber is used with either P-6D or PH-6D (heater) platform.
Bath dimensions (L × W × H)
38 × 18 × 6 mm
Outer dimensions (L × W × H)
50 × 25 × 4.5 - 8 mm
Volume, by depth
629 μl/mm
Bottom coverglass
24 × 50 mm
Slice support
24 × 50 mm, polycarbonate Lycra threads at 1 mm
Input tubing (ID × OD)
1.14 × 1.57 mm (PE-160)
Aspirator coupling
1.67 mm (OD)
Gas perfusion ports
Stainless steel, 1.67 mm (OD)