Semiautomatic Filling and Sealing Machine for Straws (Minitube)


Contains 1 vacuum bottle, 1 filling and 1 suction nozzle.

Available for

0.25 ml straws,  REF. 13133/0135

and for

0.5 ml straws:  REF. 13133/0133



REF. 13018/0100 : Semen Cone 200 ml, disposable, 100 / bag

REF. 13021/3001 : Washer for all Filling and Suction Nozzles, 5000/bag

REF. 13133/0005 : SFS cartridge loader for 0.5 ml straws

REF. 13133/0267 : SFS vacuum pump 30 - 60 Hg with manometer, 230 V / 50 Hz

REF. 13133/1000 : Filling head with 6 nozzles for 0.5 and 0.25 ml straws

REF. 13133/2000 : Suction head with 6 nozzles for 0.5 and 0.25 ml straws