Developed through years of experience with the Flaming/Brown style micropipette pullers and infused with leading edge technology, Sutter is proud to introduce the P-1000 micropipette puller. The most obvious new feature is the color touchscreen display that provides an intuitive and full-featured interface.
The extensive library of programs found in the popular Sutter Cookbook has been incorporated into the P-1000 puller and is available to the user via the touchscreen display. You need only specify the glass, filament, and type of pipette you require and a suitable program will be identified and available for installation. This takes the guesswork out of pipette pulling and simplifies programming.
Copy and paste functions assure that programs can be easily written and the line repeat mode simplifies multi-line programming. A safe heat mode is an additional feature that helps the user avoid using heat settings that might damage or burn out the filament. When the safe heat mode is turned on, the puller will “check” the installed heat and alert the user when a given heat value is too low or too high in relation to the ramp value. User notes can be added to each program for annotating important information.
Other new features for the P-1000 include diagnostic testing of all puller components, built-in error detection of air pressure loss or filament burnout, easy access to ramp test, measurement of jaw temperature, and access to previous pull results with the heat on times for each cycle of the program. In addition, help topics are pre-loaded to assist with on-site troubleshooting and the built-in glossary includes text, pictures, and diagrams explaining the terms used in micropipette fabrication. A rotary dial is offered as an alternative to the keypad for numerical entry.
- Color touch-screen interface
- Safe heat mode to protect and extend filament life
- Pipette Cookbook program directory
- Line repeat mode simplifies multi-line programming
- Help topics and error detection
- Glossary with micropipette and puller terminology
- Copy & Paste function for writing new programs
- Jaw temperature sensor helps define ideal pulling conditions
- Record of last two pull results
- Ramp test more easily accessed and can now be stored and referenced within each program. Helps to establish program heat settings and protect filament.
- Two symmetrical pipettes with each pull
- Self-contained air supply with filtration system and humidity control chamber
- Memory storage for up to 100 programs
- Two cooling modes: time and delay
Dimensions 53cm × 36cm × 30cm
Weight 18.59 kg
Electrical 115/230 V, 50/60 Hz
RoHS Compliant
Also See:
Box Filaments
for Micropipette Pullers
P-1000, P-97, etc.
(Sutter Instrument)
Trough Heating Filaments
for Micropipette Pullers
P-1000, P-97, etc.
(Sutter Instrument)
for all Sutter Instrument
Micropipette Pullers