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Nexus 6000

High Force High Pressure Syringe Pump (Chemyx)
Chemyx Nexus 6000 High Force High Pressure Syringe Pump

The Nexus 6000 is the most powerful single injection high pressure syringe pump on the market and can deliver an average of 450 lbs of pushing force to a plunger.  When working at slow speeds the working force skyrockets to 550 lbs.  This high pressure syringe pump has a patent pending steel brace design with a fixed bolt ensuring long service life under heavy load and well as easy priming keys for plunger movement.  This unit is designed with a high strength steel brace to handle loads up to 550 lbs for viscous liquids, dosing against pressure and also for constant manufacturing operation.


No. of Syringes    1

Syringe Size    0.5 µl to 300 ml

Dimensions, Weight    16.5 × 24.1 × 12.7 cm, 7.25 kg (16 lbs)

Linear Force    204 kg Average, 226 kg Max

Accuracy, Reproducibility    ± < 1 %, ± 0.1 %

Min Rate, Max Rate    001 µl/h, 200 ml/min

Step Resolution    0.120 µm/step