The most sensitive and flexible medium throughput MEA system for both acute and cultured applications
MED64-Quad II system is a medium throughput MEA system both for acute and cultured applications. Extracellular signals are recorded from 4 independent Probes/Connectors, which will give high flexibility. It is a powerful solution for drug discovery screening. The MED64’s high fidelity will provide more accurate and reliable data allowing for advanced screening.
System Configuration
MED Probe 16 (4)
MED Connector (4)
MED64 Head Amplifier
MED64 Main Amplifier
Mobius Software
Data acquisition PC
Number of channels / sample
RMS Noise (Typical)
14 nV/√Hz
*MED-515A input:
0.8 μV (f < 3 kHz)
1.2 μV (f < 5 kHz)
1.8 μV (f < 10 kHz)
Number of samples
× 200 - 2170
Acquisition bandwidth
0.1Hz - 10 kHz
Analog low-cult filter
0.1, 1, 10, 100 Hz
No. of stimulator channel
Analog high-cut filter
1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10 kHz
Stimulus output format
Input impedance
100 MΩ
Max. output current
± 200 μA
Output impedance
Signal output
Resolution 16 bit
Output format USB
Sampling rate Up to 20 kHz / channel
MED64 Product Brochure
( PDF)