Zurück zu: Badkammern für Elektrophysiologie und Imaging

RC-27N, RC-27NE

Narrow Bath Chamber with Field Stimulation (Warner)
Warner  RC-27N, RC-27NE  Narrow Bath Chamber with Field StimulationRC-27NE

This chamber has a narrower bath and smaller volume than the RC-27.  It also has embedded electrodes to support studies using field stimulation.




Bath dimensions  (L × W × H)
    37 × 8 × 2 mm

Outer dimensions  (L × W × H)
    50 × 25 × 8-4 mm

Volume, by depth
    305 μl/mm

    Platinum wire, 16 cm cables with 1 mm pins

Bottom coverglass
    24 × 50 mm

Input tubing  (ID × OD)
    1.14 × 1.57 mm (PE-160)


The Model RC-27N is a modified version of the RC-27 chamber with a narrower bath and smaller bath volume.  Laminar solution flow is more stable than in the wider bath models.

The Model RC-27NE (shown) is designed for applications requiring field stimulation and is supplied with a pair of platinum electrodes.  The electrodes are installed along the two parallel sides of the bath.